The story of ACEC/PA members begins with their deeply held belief in the power of engineering to deliver infrastructure that drives quality of life and economic growth. Indeed, engineers bring infrastructure to life. ACEC/PA further believes that engineering fulfills the promise of infrastructure only if consulting firms are well positioned and prepared to serve.


Our Mission

ACEC/PA’s mission is to foster and advocate for member firms’ business interests. ACEC/PA aligns all its energy, resources, and activities to support this mission through advocacy, partnering and networking. ACEC/PA is the only association that provides advocacy specifically for consulting engineers. Consequently, ACEC/PA’s vision is to be the go-to association for advocacy specifically for engineering consulting firms and their partner organizations.

ACEC/PA Committees
Joining a committee represents a unique opportunity for members to get involved - to make an impact on the professional and business climate, to network, to share information and best practices, and to gain visibility among peers, agencies, clients, and other professional organizations with similar interests.

More Information Coming Soon
ACEC/PA has initiated an innovative tool that will allow our members to express their opinions to elected leaders on matters related to our industry. We encourage you to sign up to join our advocacy team.

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